Translated from Russian by Mikhail Nikolenko
“I began preaching to people the beauty of religion and knowledge.
“O people, men born on the Earth, who indulge in drunkenness, sleep, and the ignorance of God! Sober up, cease your surfeit, awake from your dullness!
“Why do you give up yourselves to death while you have power to partake of immortality?
“Depart from the dark path, be partakers of immortality, abandon forever your vices!
“Nowhere but in God can you find good!”
(From Hermes’ address to the Egyptians)
Atlantis was an archipelago consisting of two large islands situated in the Atlantic Ocean near the Mediterranean Sea. There existed a highly developed civilization of the Atlanteans. The most important point about this civilization is that it possessed the true religious-philosophical knowledge, which allowed many people to advance quickly in their development — up to the Divine level — and accomplish thus their personal human evolution.
However, with time Atlantis’ spiritual culture degraded, and as a result the power in the country was taken over by aggressive people, who preferred black magic and domination over others rather than the principle of the true spiritual development. Then God made the islands of Atlantis sink into the ocean.
But the higher spiritual knowledge was preserved by some Atlanteans, Who achieved Divinity. They brought it into Egypt and other countries, where this knowledge existed for some time providing a basis for the local spiritual culture.
Further on the pages of this site we present:
— excerpts from the book composed by Divine Thoth the Atlantean
(in the next incarnation He was called Hermes Trismegistus) — Emerald Tablets,
which was found by Dr M.Doreal in South America,
— contemporary addresses of Thoth the Atlantean and other Divine
Teachers, Who incarnated formerly in Atlantis, to a group of Their students and
— through the latter — to all people of the Earth.
Read also:
Search in Secret Egypt by Paul Brunton,
Initiation by Elisabeth Haich.